Have serious heart problems
Are on medication for low blood pressure
Have had a stroke
Have had a brain haemorrhage
Have an aneurism or blood clot(s)
Lack the mental capacity to make the decision to take Kambo
Have serious mental health problems, excluding depression, PTSD and anxiety
Are undergoing chemotherapy, radiotherapy or who had undergone it within the last 4 weeks
Take immune-suppressants for organ transplant
Have Addison’s Disease
Have current and severe epilepsy
Are recovering from a major surgical procedure
Are under 18 years old
Are pregnant or maybe so or are breast-feeding a child under 6 months old.
This is not an exhaustive list. It is important to consult a properly trained and skilled practitioner if you have any serious health issue. Suitability of Kambo may depend on the stage of a disease or the constitution of the person receiving Kambo.
* The process of Kambo is an active process and does take the committed effort on the part of the individual.